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Stop Doing Things Not on Strategy

The emphasis in most strategic planning exercises is on determining the NEW things that should be done to enhance business performance. What new products, services, technologies and markets should be tackled to grow the business are the main focus points.

Adding strategic investments and introducing NEW innovation are the themes.

Rarely do organizations treat DELETING activities, products & services, systems and technologies no longer required by the businesses’ strategy as a critical priority.

In this episode, Roy and Ian discuss why it’s easy to keep the comfortable off-strategy activities that worked yesterday, and why they need to be deleted to make room for the new things you need to do.

And Roy will outline the process he used to isolate all non-strategic activity, STOP it, remove resources and redeploy them to address new challenges as he took a startup to A BILLION IN SALES.

You can listen to this episode, and enjoy past episodes of the 'Fast and Furious' series right now, on our Podcast page or Spotify.

“Fast and Furious” is gratefully sponsored by Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. in Canada.

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